The filtered image— doppelgangers and catfish
Exposing poor body image and self-esteem

Dear To Whom It May Concern — You might not like this but the filtering has gone too far
Across the internet articles address the dangers of using image filters, littered with facts like an increase in cosmetic surgery to achieve the perfect selfie.
So I ask you, don’t you find this to be an issue?
The human race is becoming insecure, instead of just ugly.
Yes ugly.
We are all ugly. Not because of our genetics but because our doppelgangers are out there with symmetrical features, chiseled jaws, narrow noses, gorgeous hair, a subtle shimmer, and smooth skin — who we created.

Why the excessive need for filtering?
It doesn’t increase our confidence.
It eats it. It diminishes it little by little. It cause us to gradually create someone who does not exist. Someone who wakes with a perfect body, who lives in the best lighting, who isn’t insecure. But that someone is the proof of our insecurity. Proof of our poor self-esteem.
And our insecurities are showing.

How do we heal?
How do we keep from wanting to compete with the perfection that lives in our virtual world — the world at our fingertips?
We must add distance.
We must evaluate.
We must be honest with what our obsession to fake perfection is taking from us.
Because otherwise we risk losing our real selves.